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How to order

Detailed instructions on how to proceed with a purchase at the DUBLEZ online store.

Please follow these steps when making a purchase:

  1. Select a category and the item you want to buy from the top menu.
  2. Choose the quantity to purchase and fill in the required product information such as size, decor, etc., if necessary. Required information is always found on the product page.
  3. Then you can add the product to your cart by clicking on the "Add to Cart" button.
  4. After adding it, go to your shopping cart (the shopping cart icon is located in the upper right corner), where you can check and possibly modify your order.
  5. If you wish to continue shopping, go to the button at the bottom "Back to Shopping". If you have decided to purchase the selected goods, proceed to "Continue to Enter Details".
  6. You will enter the 'Billing and Shipping Information' section, where all fields must be filled in. At this step, you can create your own customer account (if you do not already have one). If creating an account, you will need to select the "New Customer" icon and fill in your login password. The billing address must be filled in (these are the details shown on the invoice). If the billing and shipping addresses are not the same, you must uncheck this option and fill in the shipping address separately. In this section, you can also fill in the notes field. You can write any information in this field. If it is possible for us to fulfill them, we will address them.
  7. After filling in all necessary details from the "Billing and Shipping Information" section, proceed by pressing the "Continue to Select Shipping and Payment Methods" button to the last step.
  8. Choose a payment and shipping method that suits you and submit the order by pressing the 'Submit Order' button.
  9. After the successful submission of your order, you will be redirected to a thank you screen. All necessary details about your order have been sent to your email.