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Satisfaction guarantee

We guarantee top quality for our products. Trusted by more than 70,000+ satisfied customers. See for yourself. Read verified Customer Reviews on the following platforms Heureka, Google, Facebook.

Satisfaction Guarantee Icon

Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with the product you have purchased and have already opened it, you can return it to us within 14 days, and we will promptly refund your money. An exchange of goods is also possible, provided the goods are undamaged. For exchanges, complaints, or refunds, please contact us at

Quality Cleaning Icon

Precise Cleaning and Product Quality

Providing a quality product is our top priority, which is why we have implemented strict quality standards. We conscientiously check each product to ensure it reaches you in the highest possible quality. Also, none of the front sides of our products show any traces of scorching, as we carefully clean the products.

Professionalism Icon


We are a company with a strong foundation, over 70,000 satisfied customers. We have advanced technology, a stable team of professionals, and a desire to bring satisfaction and the highest quality to our customers.

Safe Packaging Icon

Safe Product Packaging

Damage insurance is included with all our packages. We guarantee safe delivery of goods thanks to our proven packaging method. Most products are placed in a protective wooden template, and all products are wrapped in bubble wrap. They are shipped in sturdy cardboard made of 5-layer corrugated board. If you receive a damaged item, do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to make and send you a new, undamaged piece for free :)

Slovak Production Icon

Slovak Production

All our products are made in Slovakia from non-toxic materials. The materials used for production come from local suppliers.

Sustainable Forests Icon

Materials from Managed Forests

The wood used in the production of our materials comes from verified and well-managed forests, ensuring a renewable and sustainable source.

Satisfied Customer Icon

Customer Satisfaction is Our Top Priority

We are here for you! You can contact us with any problem - by phone, chat, or email.